America Past & Present
1st Semester American History


Time of Revolution

Imperial Crisis

American Perspective


Challenge and Resistance

Popular Politics

Boston Massacre Tensions

Interlude of Order

The Boston Tea Party

Decision for Independence

The 1st Continental Congress

This was a gathering of 55 elected delegates from 12 of the colonies in 1774. Such important figures as Adams, Henry, Henry Lee, Gadsden, and George Washington were present. The delegates didn’t really know each other and this led to many differences of opinion between radicals and conservatives. Samuel Adams engineered the Suffolk Resolves, which encouraged forcible resistance to the coercive acts. This gathering also created the "Association" which was a colonial agreement to halt all commerce with England until they repealed the intolerable acts.

Shots Heard Around the World

Second Continental Congress / Directing the War Effort

The War of Independence

Early Disasters

Victory in a Year of Defeat

The French Alliance


From Monarchy to Republic

Republican Society

Social and Political Reform

African Americans in the New Republic

Rethinking Gender

Blueprints for State Government

Natural Rights & State Constitutions

Power to the People


The Revolution forced Americans to rethink their philosophical and political values so that they could be different than the British. It also caused them to change their views on family, and to create their own culture. They wanted to establish all traces of aristocracy and a preferred class of citizens, as well as establish a Confederation of the states, which bound them by a relatively weak central government.


Northwest Territories / Northwest Ordinence 1787

Movement Toward Constitutional Reform


The Philadelphia Convention



Chapter 7 Intro.

Jefferson and Hamilton

Threats to US Neutrality

Hamilton's Grand Design

Funding Assumption

    1. Hamilton’s report had two major recommendations.
    2. The US promised to fund its foreign and domestic obligations at full face values.
    3. Old loan certificates could be exchanged for new government bonds, having a moderate rate of interest.
    4. He also urged the government to assume responsibility for paying state debts. This would reduce state power and help shape national economic policy.

Bank of the United States

Setback for Hamilton


Jay's Treaty Divides the Nation

Jay's Treaty — Also known as Hamilton's Treaty, A treaty where Chief Justice Jay tried to get navigation rights from Spain for the US in the Mississippi but was unable to make Gardoqui compromise and he had to concede to the Spanish. When Congress heard of this diplomatic humiliation, they were outraged and cut negotiations with Spain.

    1. The British would abandon their frontier posts.
    2. American ships were allowed to trade in the British West Indies.
    3. Royal Navy could continue to search for contraband on the high seas.
    4. The British could impress sailors suspected of being British citizens.
    5. There was to be no compensation for goods seized before 1793 until all debts to the British incurred before the Revolution were paid.

Diplomacy in the West

    1. Navigation rights on the Mississippi.
    2. The right to deposit goods in New Orleans, tax-free.
    3. Extension of US border to the 31st parallel.

Popular Political Culture

The Partisan Role of Newspapers and Political Clubs

Whiskey Rebellion Linked to Republican Incendiaries

Washington’s Farewell



The Strange War of 1812

The Hartford Convention: The Demise of the Federalists

Treaty of Ghent Ends the War

Republican Legacy


Expansion and Migration

Extending the Boundaries

Settlement of the Mississippi

Transportation and the Market Economy

The Canal Boom

Emergence of a Market Economy & Factories

  1. Slaves are expensive and need shelter, food, etc.
  2. Wage workers don't need to be supported all year; they can be fired when they are not needed, thereby reducing costs.

Commerce and Banking

  1. Double taxation
  2. Protection from financial liability.


The Politics of Nation Building after the War of 1812

The Republicans in Power

Monroe as President

  1. Prices fell
  2. Businesses failed
  3. Credited land was foreclosed

The Missouri Compromise

Postwar Nationalism & the Supreme Court

Nationalism in Foreign Policy: The Monroe Doctrine

  1. Europeans were no longer allowed to establish colonies in the Americas.
  2. The United States would not interfere in European affairs.
  3. It called for North America being composed of two separate independent republics.


Democracy in Theory & Practice

In the 1820s and 1830s democracy came to be knows as the standard by which American systems operated. The Jacksonian view was that people were completely sovereign and could do no wrong. Democracy also served as a advocate of social leveling. This enabled the "self-made man" to occupy more public offices than before. This led to an equal opportunity for all men but not equal rewards for all men. The gap between rich/poor widened during this period.

The Democratic Ferment

President Andrew Jackson's election in 1828 symbolized the triumph of Democracy. By 1830, every U.S. State had universal male suffrage. This was not the intention of the founding fathers. Electors were selected by popular vote, not state legislatures. Jackson was a self-made man and he made himself a fortune. He came from rude circumstances to being a landowner with money and slaves. He was a common man: illiterate and an alcoholic. Jacksonian Democracy represented the failure by the Constitution to prevent the rise of democracy.

Democracy & Society

People increasingly believed that equality was the root of American society. There was an increasing amount of civil servants who refused to be treated as 2nd class citizens and demanded to eat at the same table as their masters, work short periods of time, etc.

Democratic Culture

Much of the art in the new democratic era focused on the common person. The romantic movement was also very popular in America and Europe. There was a rise in popular literature because of improved printing technology and a rise in literacy. Still, most believed that the woman’s place was in the home. Theatre also became increasingly popular during the Jacksonian era. Architecture and sculpture also saw great improvements in the 1820s and 1830s.


Jackson & the Politics of Democracy

The Election of 1824 & J.Q. Adam’s Administration

Jackson Comes to Power

Indian Removal

Nullification Crisis


The Emergence of the Whigs


The Pursuit of Perfection

The Rise of Evangelicalism

The Second Great Awakening: The Frontier Phase

The Second Great Awakening in the North

From Revivalism to Reform

Domesticity and Changes in the American Family

Marriage and Sex Roles

The Discovery of Childhood


The Extension of Education

Discovering the Asylum

Divisions in the Benevolent Empire


Movement to the Far West

Movement to the Far West

Borderlands of the 1830s

The Texas Revolution

The Republic of Texas

Trails of Trade and Settlement

The Mormon Trek


Manifest Destiny and the Mexican War

Tyler and Texas

The Triumph of Polk and Annexation

The Doctrine of Manifest Destiny

  1. Puritan idea that God is on the side of American expansion and that it is a god given right to expand.
  2. Free Development - the idea that American expansion is the expansion of freedom.
  3. The US’s population increase requires expansion to prevent social classes from forming.

Polk and the Oregon Question

War with Mexico


Internal Expansionism

The Triumph of the Railroad


Chance for L/G


"dibs" when bankrupt


No chance for loss or gain



Preferred Stock

Small Chance

Somewhat guaranteed


Common Stock


Not guaranteed


The Industrial Revolution Takes Off

Mass Immigration Begins

The New Working Class


  1. Enslavement was the status for blacks.
  2. Slavery was sanctioned by the Bible and Christianity.
  3. Slavery was consisted with the humanitarian spirit of the 19th century. Blacks needed caring for.